The presentation of the future artificial island in Lake Varna overfilled the Sailor’s House on October 6, 2022. The pilot project for Bulgaria attracted the attention of Varna Municipality, Naval Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bulgarian Chamber of Shipping, Port of Varna EAD, Varna Pilot Station Co. Ltd., Marine Antipollution Enterprise and others. The project is implemented by the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) together with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB).
The creation of an artificial island in Varna Lake is key to creating a safe resting and nestling place for the birds found in the lake area. One of them is the Common Tern, which is an endangered species included in the Red Book of Bulgaria. In the region of Burgas Lakes and Nature Conservation Center Poda, experts from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds have been applying the method of building pile platforms for years, which provide a place for nesting that is as close as possible to the natural habitat of the terns. Thanks to these efforts, the most numerous colonies of the species in Bulgaria are currently observed in the region of Burgas Lakes. The goal is to implement this good practice in the region of Varna-Beloslav Lake.
Many other birds are also expected to nest on the island, such as Sandwich Tern and Little Tern, Pied Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Little Ringed Plover and Kentish Plover. The island will provide a place to rest for migrating and wintering species, as well as for some of the nesting birds in the area. The project Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Varna Lake – LIFE for Lake Varna is funded by the EU LIFE Program.