The project for the creation of an artificial island near Varna, which the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) is implementing together with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), will be presented at the Sailor’s House on October 6, 2022. The pilot island will be the home of protected bird species, as well as an example of efficient use of dredging masses, and will contribute significantly to the improvement of the ecosystem functions of the damaged aquatic ecosystem of Lake Varna.
The project also envisages the construction of two wooden pile platforms for bird nestling– in Yatata protected area and in the western part of Lake Beloslav. The island and the platforms will provide suitable conditions for waterfowls to nest in a quite and safe place during the spring and summer period, as well as a safe place to rest during migration and wintering.
The main goal of the project „Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Lake Varna“ – LIFE for Lake Varna is to test and demonstrate a large-scale green infrastructure using dredging material. The project is the first step in BPI Co.’s efforts towards the implementation of the concept of „Green Port“ for the Bulgarian ports and contributes to the implementation of one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN 17 SDGs) – to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The project is funded by the EU LIFE Program, which implements large-scale projects for the protection of environment and nature.