New colonies of common terns in Varna lake

Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds is excited to share that during the last month 2 new colonies of common tern (Sterna hirundo) were formed in the Varna-Beloslav lake region, thanks to the conservation efforts of the Society. Last winter we constructed two artificial nesting platforms for waterfowls. The platforms were installed in the most suitable areas – in Yatata Protected Area near Beloslav and in the westernmost part of the Beloslav lake. There was only one known colony of the species in the area till 2024.

After that we expected to find out whether the terns will decide the platforms are fit for them to form a colony. In the beginning of May, the first birds began to appear. This species is a long-distance migrant. The birds of Central and Eastern Europe migrate and winter in the eastern shores of Africa and the Republic of South Africa and they return in Bulgaria at the end of April – beginning of May.

The number of the species is around 80 at the moment and it increases every day. Some of the pairs are already nesting. BSPB thank their volunteers who participated in the planning and constructing of the platforms!